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10 years of quality service and assistance

Kardiomed specializes in the distribution of medical technical devices, equipment and disposable sterile products. Based in Serbia, we are a leading supplier in countries of South East Europe.

Our range of products has been composed from a number of selected suppliers from all over the world.

These are characterized by being approved, aiming for research and development, and keeping the existing rules and standards.

Are you looking for a distributor that can sell the Best to the Best?
1000 +
Registered products
40000 +
Products sold annually
50 +
Health institutions
What we’re doing

Services We Offer

Our company's goal is to provide all hospitals with the best devices for their business, allowing them to improve the quality of their patient’s lives

Experts & Creatives

We Improve Business

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Our Consulting & Finance Company Funded in 1987

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Contact with us

Contact Experts

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    Our Client's feedback

    Who we work with

    Our Partners

    OpSens Medical

    OpSens Medical

    OpSens Medical

    Established in 2003, OpSens Medical, a division of OpSens (TSX:OPS), was founded on the belief that our innovative technologies would help to improve cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment. Today, our 2nd generation fiber optic OptoWire has been used in over 100,000 patients worldwide and our clinical partners use our products to improve their success rates in challenging peripheral and coronary interventions.
    OpSens Medical
    Nurel Medikal

    Nurel Medikal

    Nurel Medikal

    Established in Bursa / TÜRKİYE in 2004 is the leader in the Turkish market with its disposable medical textile product range, including surgical gowns, drapes and sets. Nurel Medical, Euroset brand, with its fastest response to customer demand; next-generation technology, total quality management system, innovation and lean manufacturing principles adopted by an experienced management team and trained employees, is moving rapidly towards its goal of becoming one of the key players in the global market.
    Nurel Medikal
    Asahi Intecc

    Asahi Intecc

    Asahi Intecc

    The company Asahi Intecc was founded in 1976, with the idea of developing products needed by doctors and clients. Asahi Intecc Group's mission is to supply the market with unique technologies and products of superior quality. With a focus on technological innovations, they realize all the demands and needs of their clients.
    Asahi Intecc
    AR Baltic Medical

    AR Baltic Medical

    AR Baltic Medical

    A leader in the industry since 2006, AR Baltic was a first mover in drug coated balloons, and later engaged in the development and manufacturing of catheters and stents. The company is specialized in the field of invasive cardiology, radiology and neurology providing a range of treatment possibilities with drug eluting devices for several applications.
    AR Baltic Medical



    The company constantly develops innovative products and technology in close cooperation with their valuable partners. The creative, dynamic process starts when our professional team takes one technical problem and combines the most modern technology with their excellent skills in order to find the perfect solution.



    Founded in 1984. the Company's line of business includes the wholesale distribution of surgical and other medical instruments, apparatus, and equipment. Guided by the courage to explore: to offer the best care to people. Excellence, quality and competitiveness revolve around a single project that focuses on the individual and his well-being. Abmedica has acquired a leadership in research and development, with relevant projects and solutions in sectors such as genomics, tissue engineering and artificial intelligence.